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Thursday, February 3, 2011

"A hope"

Rain of fire.

Burning desire

Lust inflame

Extinguished dreams.

Chaos gain

Breathren falls.

Embellished shame

Insects and plague swarm

Cries of languish and cries of guttural plead.

Rings the very lawn

Ripening the pulp under the mistletoe

Lavender bough teaming with moths

With sanguine juice flooding the shrouds

Laughter pain floods the gates

Drowning the pools with their very Chaste

As Beaming hate welcomes their fate

Where hope fall as mists fade

Light the bloody blade

Of never ending flay

Some play some lay

Sins this forlong parade

As end of days rain

A fallen raises his bloodied gauntlet bane

and his cry pierces the Lane

Like a beacon bathing the mourning high

Arise the keepers of fate.

Once lost once driven to madness

By their own wayward ways

Rise to shut the keepers of the shade

And end the battle to purge ahead

With raised blisternig sword the shadows fall.

Crimson light painting this damned hall

Daemons Angels Wraith Orcs trolls and fleshy Mongrels

Gods and Goddesses alike

Rush to meet their foe

Depair and dread fills

As the chosen slice them whole

And make them look like a whore

Immortality comes from within

as the greats fall

While the unbroken shards flow

Burrowing through the putrid below

As Armageddon ends

Caressing th burnt

The silvery river wanes

Healing and making as Life grows

To run its old course

The chosen shade out

Never to be seen alight

For the days of reckoning laid to rest

A lesson to be learnt ahead

By the imbeciles that grow dead (and that means u)..